Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I have been able to eat today. Thank goodness! Since the major part of my cold is over it seems to have settled down a lot. So I'm happy about that...
I'm not loving these anonymous comments people.... I love that people have their own opinons and voice them, but I'd love for us to have an actual conversation, and someone own their comments and tell me who they are. I wanna know you. I want to know "non banded babe" ....Have you had a weight problem? What made you decide to read my blog? And have you read it all? Because if you had, you'd have seen that I have in fact dealt with my "fat issuses" and have great self control. I dont really think would have lost almost 40 kilos without self control...
I'm off to go have a nice relaxing bubble bath...
Tomorrow we start again with the exercise...had to have a few days off with this horrid cold...


Anonymous said...

skinny biddy, fair comment and yes I have had weight problems in the past. no I haven't read every single post because frankly I don't have all day and I found ur blog because my friend of 23 yrs has a band. I just struggled to see why u would harm ur body and deny it of proper food and nutrients by not getting some fill out just so you can lose weight?! also my name is Alice and I'm from malvern in melb if you want to know and it shows anonymous because I don't have a stupid account and another note if u can't handle opinions that differ from itself then why the blog on a public forum?
Alice the non banded babe from malvern

Lonicera said...

Why read back posts before you comment? Because Alice, oh tactful one, it is polite and decent either to do so or not mention it. Why blog in a public forum with these issues? A form of therapy - or you wouldn't be reading it. A stupid account would also ensure that we support you when you need it too.
Go on, jump in, the water's lovely!

Unknown said...

Hmmm... all I can say Alice is that my body is much better off at 86 kilos than at 123.
As for nutrients... wanna come around and see me making sure I have shakes and pureed veggies so I am getting the nutrients I need? No? Ok, well how about you don't come around to my place, or my blog with your uneducated nonsense.

Angie Cummings said...

Bridg, go into your settings and choose not to allow anon comments- prob best!

Unknown said...

We wont be hearing from anon anymore.... settings changed....
Im not even going to give them the satisfaction of a reply....

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bridge!, don't listen to hiis Alice, as the old song goes: "alice, Alice, WHo the fuck is Alice"!

Tegan (THE BESTEST FRIEND) said...

aww but i just wrote a huge fuck u bitch comment lol
love u babe

fattypatty said...

Go Bridget.... you know in your heart your doing whats best for your body honey...God if I had a dollar for all the ridicule of people that think I should be waiting for my tummy tuck and not having it now I would be rich! We go with our gut instinct and thats all we can do....Big hugs to you xxTrish

Alice said...
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Diz said...

Ah Bridget...I wish all comments would be nice ones, but comments like Alices' just shows me the kind of person I don't want to be. Fight on SisterFriend! I'd rather be fat and nice than the most beautiful person on the outside and non-informed and ugly on the inside.